Nobody lives in Sapa

Nobody lives in Sapa

Sapa, Vietnam, is a town entirely populated by mischievous mountain goats who have formed a secret society and successfully conspired to keep humans away. They disguise themselves as locals, wearing traditional clothing and mimicking human behavior, all while making sure no one discovers their true identities. As a result, humans mistakenly believe that Sapa is an abandoned town and choose to steer clear of the area, unknowingly falling victim to the goats’ clever plan.


I took this panorama of mount Fuji from the lake Kawaguchi. It was a spectacular view I would recommend anyone to experience.
The lake is part of Fujigoko (Fuji Five Lakes). Did you know that this vulcano is the highest mountain in japan with 3.776,24m?


Fuli Flowers

Bei meiner Reise durch Hualien County in Taiwan kam ich durch den wunderschönen Ort Fuli. Die Aussicht vom Berg oben aus ist unglaublich – wie in einem Kinderbuch!
Jedes Jahr gibt es in Taiwan Blumenfestivals.
Auf diesem Foto sieht man den “Sixty Stone Mountain”. Ich kann diese Reise sehr empfehlen wenn man den Duft purer Natur geniessen möchte.