Du, mein wilder Geist

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Mein neues Musikvideo für die Frankfurter Band Pathos Legal und ihrem Song “Du, mein wilder Geist” in einer besonderen Orchesterfassung!
Regie und Umsetzung: Denis Carbone
Unterstützt diese großartige Band! Das Album, Single und die Orchesterfassung von “Du, mein wilder Geist” gibt es hier:
Großen Dank an die Mitwirkenden im Video:
Tobias Niggemann, Quynh-Anh Nguyen-Xuan, Gabi Schrepfermann, Mariam Städing, Lisa Marie Wichern und am Cello Lea-Christina Hengen.
My new music video for the german band Pathos Legal and their symphonized track “Oh, Du mein Wilder Geist” from their album “Du, mein wilder Geist”.
Get the album here: http://www.pathoslegal.com
The musicvideo was completely shot in raw on a 5D mark iii (thanks to Magic Lantern!). Post Production was done in After Effects, and the editing in Premiere Pro. Lenses used: Yonguo 35mm and Canon 50mm
Director: Denis Carbone

Tokyo Yanaka Cemetery

Strolling around at night in Tokyo, I visited the Yanaka Cemetery (谷中霊園 Yanaka Reien), close to Ueno in Taito, Tokyo, Japan.
There I took a long-exposure shot of the impressive Yanaka Five-Storied Pagoda, which was originally part of the Buddhist temple Tenno-ji (天王寺). It was built in 1644 and burned down in 1771 and was rebuilt some 20 years later in 1791. This last version, built of Japanese zelkova wood was, at almost 35 meters, the tallest of its kind in the Kanto area.

Kyoto Nishiki Market

I found this beauty during a very rainy day at the Nishiki Market in Kyoto, Japan. All around me were people with their typical japanese transparent umbrellas, but nobody looked up to see this lonely lamp.